Tracy Zych, an esteemed designer beloved by celebrities including Selena Gomez, Halle Berry, Rachel Bilson and Dakota Fanning is making a triumphant return with her forthcoming namesake jewelry brand. Elegantly shifting from handbags to jewelry, Tracy’s new line promises to captivate her loyal clientele once again, offering exquisite pieces crafted with unparalleled precision and imbued with her signature style.
Tracy Zych jewelry is inspired by the art of living a posh lifestyle, reflecting elegance and timeless sophistication. Specializing in luxurious classics, our decadent pieces are crafted to exude an air of refined indulgence.
Headquarters Ocala, Florida
Launching Mid-2025
Throughout the years, Tracy Zych’s designs have been featured in over 40 magazines worldwide including InStyle magazine, Harper’s Bazaar, People magazine, US Weekly and Elle magazine to name a few.
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